Viral GOJU RYU SANCHIN KATA By MORIO HIGAONNA, Video Shorei Ryu Kata Paling Dicari!

Viral GOJU RYU SANCHIN KATA By MORIO HIGAONNA, Video Shorei Ryu Kata Paling Dicari! Bahasan Menarik dari video GOJU RYU SANCHIN KATA By MORIO HIGAONNA ini adalah Shorei Ryu Kata paling hot!, Shorei Ryu Katas Joe s Dojo, Shorei Ryu Karate, Basic Goju Ryu Kata, Kata Bassai Dai Shorei Ryu, Tekki Sandan Shorei Ryu, Shorei Ryu Ippon, Shorei Goju Robert Trias Karate, Goju Kata Step by Step, Goju Kata, Shuri Ryu, Goju Ryu Karate Kata 1, Nisei Goju Ryu Katas, Kyodai Ryu Kata 1, Femminile Gojo Ryu Kata Video, Nisei Goju Ryu Kata Bo, Pinan Shodan Kata,

Viral GOJU RYU SANCHIN KATA by MORIO HIGAONNA, Video Shorei Ryu Kata paling dicari! KATA BUNKAI National Shorei Goju Ryu Association of In the shorei ryu system kata is done as though one were really in a combat situation against any number of foes The moves are done with power speed and timing Concentration is at its maximum and when the person becomes proficient he she should be able to National Shorei Goju Ryu Association of America The second heishu kata in Goju Ryu Tensho is derived from the Chinese form Rokkishu Unlike Sanchin which is almost identical to its Chinese counterpart Tensho is uniquely Okinawan From his understanding of the Kata of Goju Ryu and the nature of man Miyagi Sensei developed Tensho to further complete his Goju Ryu where Sanchin left off Shorei Katas Defined Kondo No Shokai National Shorei Goju Ryu Association of America The second heishu kata in Goju Ryu Tensho is derived from the Chinese form Rokkishu Unlike Sanchin which is almost identical to its Chinese counterpart Tensho is uniquely Okinawan From his understanding of the Kata of Goju Ryu and the nature of man Miyagi Sensei developed Tensho to further complete his Goju Ryu where Sanchin left off Sumber :

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